Our Services

At House of Therapy, we offer a comprehensive range of physiotherapy services to support you throughout your recovery process. Whether you’re in the acute phase of an injury, aiming for a gradual return to work, or seeking to maintain your body movement and fitness, our skilled team of physiotherapists is here to assist you.

We specialize in providing physiotherapy services for various areas of the body, including the pelvic area and jaw joints. With our certifications in pelvic health and temporomandibular dysfunctions, we have the expertise to address concerns specific to these areas.

Primary Services

Pelvic Health

Our physiotherapy services for the pelvic area are designed to help with conditions such as pelvic pain, urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and postpartum rehabilitation.

We use evidence-based techniques and individualized care plans to address your specific needs and help you improve your pelvic health.

Jaw Joint Concerns

If you’re experiencing issues related to your jaw joints (Temporomandibular Joint), such as jaw pain, clicking or popping sounds, or difficulty in opening and closing your mouth, our physiotherapy services can provide relief.

We employ specialized techniques and exercises to address temporomandibular dysfunctions and help restore proper jaw function.